but she did add that the girl sim was missing her puts too lol (odd situation to be witnessing as a mom ).
P.' and my daughter was teasing my son because it must be a girl sim with a boys name because of this missing feature. My sons argument was it couldnt be him because the sims character did not have a 'P. My daughter who could read was saying yes it is because it has your name. The arguing was my son stated that was not him in the game because the sim character was not a 'boy'.
I came back to find my 4 year old real son and 7 year old real daughter arguing. My sim 'son' was getting into the tub and I have a basic no mosaic patch I had paused the game to go do something. I had made my house and family including my kids in the sims 4. Ok before I continue I have to just say this 'want' for anatomically correct skins came from a situation I had while playing the game. Sims 4 anatomically correct default Skin/no mosaic replacement for all Open to tattoos too